Emily’s pulse quickened. The whisper seemed to come from all directions, reverberating through the empty mansion. She quickened her pace, the beam of her flashlight darting around the darkened rooms. The temperature dropped noticeably as she navigated the labyrinthine corridors, her breath forming misty clouds in the cold air.
When she reached the foyer, she found the front door inexplicably shut. Panic set in as she tried to force it open, but it wouldn’t budge. The whispers grew louder, now accompanied by faint, almost imperceptible scratching sounds. Emily’s flashlight flickered and then went out, plunging her into near-complete darkness.
She fumbled with her phone, its dim light revealing the shadows dancing on the walls. The shadows seemed to twist and writhe, taking on the shapes of grotesque figures with hollow eyes. Emily could feel the oppressive weight of their gaze. The whispering intensified, forming coherent words that chilled her to the bone: “You should not have come here.”
Desperate, she stumbled towards what she hoped was an exit. The shadows seemed to close in on her, their hunger palpable in the air. Just when she thought she might be overtaken, she found a small window, slightly ajar. She pushed it open and squeezed through, falling onto the overgrown lawn outside.
Emily ran down the lane, not daring to look back. As she reached the safety of the streetlights, she glanced behind her. The house at the end of the lane was now completely dark, as if it had never been there at all. But she knew better. The shadows were still there, watching, waiting for their next visitor.
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