
How important is communication for you guys? 
Certainly, very important! 

Communication is a key, they say. And they said it very rightly. 

Communication solves many problems. A right communication can fix the problem and a wrong communication can ruin any relationship as it has that power. 

We all would choose a right communication and method any time over a wrong communication.

Your mouth is an asset for you and you should use it rightly. But sometimes, it may happen that your partner is not communicating that what has upset them.

Recently, I had a conversation with my friend who has recently started his job in Pune. He told me that he has been dating a girl for a while now and they have constant fights over silly matters. When asked, he told me that maybe she does not communicate her feelings right. 

I explained to him how girls are in general. We like when a man guesses what exactly is off with their girl and believe me, more than half of the time, it is a man who does something that upsets his girl. 

Somethings are better not said but guessed. If you guess rightly, what is off with your girl, it shows how genuine you are in the relationship. It unknowingly strengthens your relationship. 

If a girl can guess your mood by just looking at your face, that's a green flag right? 

And if a girl expects the same from you, is it wrong? 

Well, I am not here to specify that guys don't guess anything right but, I am here to clarify that most of women are like this and it's absolutely normal. 

Just because she behaves this way does not have to mean that your relationship is going off the floors. 

Sometimes, guess and have a good communication with your girl, trust me, it will solve 1000 of your problems. 

Let me know your thoughts 💭

Thanks for reading! 
