How to become Productive?

Hello lovelies, 

Yeah I am aware that I am back after a long time. Recently things have been changing in my life and I was busy adapting to the changes. Nevermind! Since I am back now, I promise to remain active!!!

Today's blog is short and sweet. It won't take much of your time :P

Productivity does not have to relate to monetary benefits. Productivity should relate to growth be it financial, skills or following the passion. Lately, I have realized that, no matter how little step you take towards productive things, that step matters. 

You need not start immediately, start slowly and soon you shall realize that you have come long way. Slow and tiny steps matter. We can relate this to the example of baby walks. Babies do not immediately start walking. They take those small tiny steps and within a no time, they learn to walk. 

How you can be productive? 

1 - Learn - Sometimes, we need to learn or adapt to new skills to make our work more efficient. You can start learning things when you are outside office hours. That's productive. 

2 - Follow your passion - We all have a passion that's different to our career. Maybe you are a doctor but you like painting!! Makes sense? yeah! Follow your passion. We have weekends for all ourselves. Utilize them to help your stress. Stay happy and keep growing. 

3 - Tick off activities in your to-do list - Have you prepared your to-do list? Ahuh! Not yet?? What are you waiting for? Keep a diary that shall help you note down all your dreams. Start ticking them off already!

4 - Things that make you grow - You need to realize who you are and how will you grow? Growth need not be professionally. It can be a personal growth. As I said productivity need not only be related to your job or business. It can be related to your personal lives. 

Today you can be productive by arranging your wardrobe properly. Tomorrow you can start working on your to-do list. Day after tomorrow you can plan something fun for the weekend and discuss the plan with your family members. 

The idea is to remain happy and grow. The idea is also to be a better person tomorrow than you are today. That's productivity. 

That's all for today! See you on Saturday!
Until we meet, Stay happy and keep growing! :) 
